Bonnie (Burson) Mason
After high school:
1965 Nursing degree from Akron City Hospital School of Nursing (Summa)
1966 Married high school sweet heart Jonathan
1967 son- Jeffery Mason married to Cathy Adams and have two grand
children Sevy 11, and Lauren 7 living in Mooresville, North Carolina.
1971 daughter- Deborah and grand daughter Ava 5 yrs. living in Dover, OH.
1973 son Ryan and a grand son Chase 6yrs.with homes in Columbus, Dover and Naples, Florida
Worked as an RN while raising our family. Retired at 50 yrs. old after 28 yrs of nursing.
Enjoy grand children, our home, traveling, YMCA exercising and volunteering (meal on wheels,
food pantry). Spend the winters at our home in Naples, Florida.