Family: Married to Bill for 48 years in October. I serve as Vice President for The Feller Center for Exceptional Grandchildren (we have four). Bill gets to be president.Hobbies: Serve as Vice-President of the Board of the Dover Historical Society, and am still very active at the J.E. Reeves home. I work mainly with the Living History programs and special events.Always passionate about reading! No E-books yet. I still love the real thing but I wouldn’t mind a Kindle as a Christmas gift.Still involved in the theatre. I am appearing in a play, Love Letters, Saturday evening at Little Theatre, so will miss the class festivities that night. I try to stay as active as possible in our local theatre and will also be the Fairy Grandmother at The Little Girl’s Tea at the Reeves Home. I really enjoy creating and portraying different characters and am so happy whenever I get the opportunity to act.Gardening: I don’t plant much in the ground anymore. My knees won’t cooperate! The real thrill is coaxing different plants together in the same container and seeing what happens. Our deck looks pretty good this year in spite of the heat.Bill and I enjoy traveling near and far. We have not been able to do much traveling lately due to Bill’s recent health problems. Once he is up to it we plan to make up for lost time!I wish all of you good health and happy times with loved ones. I n the end, I think that’s what life is really all about.