Bud Judkins
Upon graduating from Dover High in 1962 I went to Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. I then
returned to Dover where I went to work for the Marlite Co. I worked to Marlite for six years,
three of which were at the company’s Chicago facilities. In 1974 I returned to Dover and went
to work for a packaging manufacturer who had just built a brand new plant in New Philadelphia.
After thirteen years in the packaging industry I left to become a private investor, a trade that I
still practice.
In December 1966 I married Kathie Andreas, a 1963 Dover High School graduate. We have two
children, Reba, born December 1969 and Matthew, born February 1977.
Our daughter, Reba, lives in Kent, Ohio with her husband Bob Zacher and Matthew lives in
Dover with his wife Courtney and their two children.
Kathie and I have lived continuously in Tuscarawas County since 1974 although from 1989 to
2009 we also maintained a second home in Stuart, Florida.
After nearly forty-six years of marriage, Kathie and I are now proud grandparents of Mattie
Judkins, age seven and Jack Judkins, age five. Of all the adventures in my life, being a
“grandfather” is the most rewarding and the most fun.