Been married 42 yearsHusband ray2 daughters:•Melanie Kurnze – W. Lafayette, OH•Melissa (Daran) Chapman – Rockford, MI4 grandkids:•Connor (age 10)•Kaylee (age 5)•Ian (age 5)•Nina (age 2)Taught elementary school 20 + years in Dearborn, MISchool Media Specialist 5 years in DearbornRetired 2005Moved full time to The Villages, Florida 2005Activities:•Line dance 3-4 days a week•Play hammered dulcimer with a group of Villagers•Read a lot by the pool•Am a Village cheerleader •Cruise 2-3 times a year and do other traveling as often as possible•Play host to visitors from up north all winter •Golf only when necessary