Class of 1962 Welcome Dover High School
Patricia (Youngen) Stull
I waited until September of 1969 to go to Malone College as a part-time student because of heath reason, studying social work. In the 1970’s for a short time I worked in the Tuscarawas county Receiving Home where they took in children who were taken away from their parents. On Christmas Day 1977 married Kalman Stull Sr. becoming a wife, mother and grandmother all at the same time. “Sonny” passed away February 26, 1998 after a house fire which killed the upstairs family. In the 80’s we were foster parents and I babysat through the years. I write poetry and had a saying in the May 2012 issue of Guideposts magazine. Going to the senior center the last 14 years has been a big part of my life and having a card ministry for the church is an interest too.
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